Monday, 2 March 2020

2 March 2020 - En Passant - Snodland v Swale

En Passant - Snodland v Swale
Monday 2 March 2020
White: Keith Nevols (164) - Black: George Hollands (172)
French Defence

Just a few days after meeting George in Maidstone, now here we are playing in Snodland

1. e4 e6
2. d3 

I thought I would give the King's Indian Attack a try.

2. ...... d5
3. Nd2 Nf6
4. Nf3 Be7
5. g3 c5
6. Bg2 b5?!

Now this was unexpected - castling is more normal. With the white bishop on g2, Black weakens his diagonal.

7. O-O a5

Well, this looks interesting. The charge of the pawn brigade.

8. Ne5 

Deciding to open things up quickly. The engine recommends 8. exd5 exd5 9. c4 to hit at the d5 square and not giving Black time to settle.

8. .....O-O
9. f4 

Again White could consider c4, although the position is equal.

9. ......Qb6
10. Kh1 Nbd7
11. Qe2 

Defending the e-pawn and allowing Nf3 to be played.

11. ..... d4
12. a4! 

I was pleased to find this move which has the aim of placing a knight on c4.

12. ......Nxe5
13. fxe5 Nd7
14. Nf3? 

..... but completely inconsistent with the previous plan. 14. axb5 Qxb5 15. Nc4 and White is ready to start operations on the kingside. I think I was worried about 14. axb5 Nxe5 but then 15. Nc4 Nxc4 16. dxc4 e5 seems secure enough.

14. ......b4
15. b3 Qb8

16. Bf4 

16. g4 is interesting with the plan to play Bf4 and then drop back with Bg3. There is no need to be worried about 16. ....Nxe5 as after 17. Nxe5 Qxe5 18. Bf4 Qf6 19. e5 White can collect the rook on a8.

16. ...... Bd8

Re-routing the bishop to a better diagonal.

17. Nd2? 

I was running out of ideas so sacrifice the pawn. The computer spots 17. Qe1! - the point being that after 17. .. Bc7 18. g4 Nxe5 19. Qg3 is good for White bulding an attack on the kingside.

17. .........Nxe5
18. Qh5 Bc7
19. Bxe5 Bxe5
20. Nc4 Bd6!?

An interesting exchange sacrifice. 20. .... f6 looks odd but is the best move. 20. .. Bc7 21. e5 Bb7 is also OK.

Should I take the exchange? Yes, why not? My logic was that if I am going to be under pressure, then I might as well be material up for it.

21. Nxd6 Qxd6
22. e5 Qa6
23. Bxa8 Qxa8+
24. Kg1 Bb7

I was worried about 24. .. Qd5 with the threat of Bb7 and also hitting the pawn on e5. If 25. Qe2 Bb7 26. Kf2 f5 and Black has full compensation.

25. Rf2 

I gave a lot of thought to 25. Qg5, the point being to guard the d8 square which the Black queen might use to enter the White kingside. 

The computer recommends moving the h-pawn to give a bit of air to the King.

25. .........Qd8
26. Re1 Qd5
27. Kf1 f6

27. .. f5 is better because now White can play 28. g4 defending the queen and breaking the pin in the f-pawn.

I decide to sacrifice the pawn in return for exchanging some pieces.

28. Qg4 fxe5
29. Rxf8+ Kxf8
30. Qe4?

30.Re4 Qd6 31. Rf2 and then coming to the f-file is more accurate.

30. ...... Qxe4

At this point, Black offered a draw. I declined, thinking I had the advantage. However, without the queens, and establishing a pawn majority on the queenside, Black is clearly better now and he manages to turn it around.

31. dxe4 Ba6+
32. Kf2 c4
33. Kf3? 

Wrong direction. White should play 33. bxc4 Bxc4 34. Rb1 and then Ke1 and Kd2.

33. ...... Ke7
34. Rd1

And now it is my turn to offer the draw, but Black has the advantage and turned the offer down, as we enter an endgame of mutual mistakes.

34. ..... d3?

34. .... c3 and then advancing the king while preparing d3 is the best plan. There's not a lot White can do.

35. cxd3 c3?

35. .... cxb3 is more accurate.

36. Ke3 Bb7
37. Rc1 Kd6
38. Rc2 Bc6
39. Rf2?? 

White should sit still with 39. Ke2 - but I was completely shocked by the next move.

39. .........Bxa4!

Of course! Black now has a won game. Obviously 40. bxa4 b3 and it's all over.

40. Ra2 c2??

And Black blunders in return. 40. .. Bxb3 41. Rxa5 Bd1! keeps the White king at bay and the pawns can just roll home.

41. Kd2 c1(=Q)
42. Kxc1 Bb5
43. Kd2 a4
44. bxa4 b3
45. Ra3 b2

Black makes the third draw offer of the game but the win for White is clear now.

46. Kc2 b1(=N)
47. Kxb1 Bc6
48. Kc2 Kc5
49. Kc3

And here Black resigned.

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