Wednesday, 11 March 2020

11 March 2020 - Stevenson - Rainham v Swale

Stevenson - Rainham v Swale
Wednesday 11 March 2020
White: Keith Nevols (161) - Black: Martin Taylor (220)
Alekhine's Defence

A very tough opponent for a visit to Rainham.

1. e4 Nf6

Alekhine's Defence - an opening I know nothing about! So play slowly at first.

2. d3 e5
3. Nf3 Nc6
4. g3 d5
5. Nbd2 Be7
6. Bg2 O-O
7. O-O Re8
8. Re1 

Both players have been reluctant to release the tension in the middle of the board, but now 8. .. d4 would close down the centre and White would have to waste a move with Rf1 if he has any f4 ideas.

8. ......Bf8
9. h3 a5!

Gaining space and preparing some initiative.

10. Nh4? 

In trying to find something to do, White places the knights on the edges. 10.exd5 Nxd5 11. Ne4 gives the knight a better square.

10. ..... Be6
11. Nf1?! dxe4
12. dxe4 Qxd1
13. Rxd1 Nd4
14. Ne3 

Better is 14. Bg5 as White can meet 14. ... Nxc2 with 15. Rac1 Nd4 16. Rxc7 or 15. .. Nb4 16. Bxf6 gxf6 17. Rxc7 Nxa2 18. Ne3! coming to d5 or f5 with some compensation. The computer rates this position as equal.

14. .........Ne2+
15. Kf1 Nxc1
16. Rdxc1 c6
17. Rd1 g6

Black is much better now. Both White knights are on poor squares. White tries some grovelling.

18. Nf3 Nxe4
19. Nxe5 Bxh3
20. Bxh3 Rxe5
21. Nc4 Rc5
22. Nb6? 

It is hard to give White advice in such a rotten position. The computer suggests 22. b3 b5 23. Bg2 Nxg3 24. fxg3 bxc4, or 22. Na3 Bg7 23. c3 Nxc3! 24. bxc3 Rxc3 25. Rab1 Rxa3 26. Rxb7 Rxa2.

22. ...... Ra6
23. Bg2 Nxf2!
24. Nd7 Nxd1
25. Rxd1 Rxc2
26. Nf6+ Kg7
27. Ne8+ Kh6

Now three pawns down - with more to follow - White can resign.

28. Rd7 Rb6
29. b3 Rxa2
30. Rxf7 Rxb3
31. Be4 Rbb2

And checkmate is very near. A truly awful White performance.

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