County Under-180s match - Kent v Middlesex
Saturday 22 February 2020
White: A. Hayler (166) - Black: Keith Nevols (157)
Scandinavian Defence
1. e4 d5
2. exd5 Qxd5
3. Nc3 Qa5
4. d4 Nf6
5. Nf3 Bf5
6. Bc4 e6
7. O-O c6
8. Bd2 Bb4
9. a3 Bxc3
10. Bxc3 Qc7
The main line - a very familiar position.
11. b4!?
But this is new. 11. Re1 is more usual and better.
11. ........O-O
12. Re1 Nbd7
13. h3
According to the engine, the position is now level and Black should take advantage with 13. .. b5 and Ne4, or 13. .. Ne4 at once.
13. ........Nb6
But I decide that occupying the d5 square is more solid.
14. Bb3 Nbd5
15. Bd2 Rad8
The usual strategy in this position is to go after the White d-pawn.
16. Ne5 Ne4
This is also the computer choice, although I was not so certain about waving knights around.
17. Bc1
17. c4 gains space for White but the text defends the d-pawn. In response to 17. c4 I did not see the brilliant counter 17. .... Qb6! 18. dxe5 Qxd4 which will regain the piece.
17. ....... Ndc3?
This is just a waste of time. 17. .. h6! with the intention of Ng5 continues the attack.
18. Qf3 Qb6
I did not like 18. .. Rxd4 19. Bb2 Qxe5 20. Bxc3.
19. Be3 Nd5??
A blunder. This is what comes of aimlessly moving pieces around. Again, Black had to play 19. ...h6 to give a square to the knight.
20. g4
Of course! White wins a piece.
20. ........Nxe3
21. Qxe3 Nd6
22. gxf5 Nxf5
23. Qc3 Rxd4
This was the position I had foreseen after move 20. I have two pawns for the bishop.
24. Re2
24. Nxf7! is good. 24. ... Kxf7 25. Rxe6! and curtains.
24. ....Rfd8
25. Rae1 Rf4
26. Nxf7
White has seen it at last.
26. .....Kxf7
27. Qe5
Demolition on e6 and the rook is attacked, so time to end an awful game.
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