County Under-160s match - Kent v Essex
Saturday 29 February 2020
White: Keith Nevols (164) - Black: J. Robinson (170)
Pirc Defence
Top board for the Under-160s so anticipated a difficult battle.
1. e4 d6
2. d4 Nf6
3. Nc3 g6
4. Bg5
The Byrne variation. I do not know a great deal about the Pirc but this line has always worked fine for me.
4. .......Bg7
5. Qd2 h6
6. Bh4 g5!?
I thought this was a little premature, making gaps before developing. Castling for Black, or 6. ... Nc6 seemed more sensible.
7. Bg3 Nh5
8. Bc4
I was not afraid of 8. .. Nxg3 9. hxg3 where, after castling queenside, I had the makings of a kingside attack. However, the engine thinks 8. O-O-O is more accurate with Nge2 and f3, and leaving open the option of where to place the bishop.
8. ......c6
9. Nge2
9. ......b5?
Six pawns moves out of nine can't be good. With the king in the centre, Black has created weaknesses on both sides.
White can now grab a pawn with 10. Nxb5! (10. ... cxb5 11. Bd5) which I did not see.
10. Bb3 Qb6
11. a4!
I did think about castling but instead was pleased to find this move, which grabs some initiative.
11. ......b4
12. Nd1 Nxg3
13. hxg3
The in-between move 13. a5 was better isolating the pawn on b4.
13. ..... a5
14. Ne3
I could see that Ba6 was coming and wanted to get the knight back into the game as soon as I could. 14. f4 is another option followed by e5 with the intention of breaking open the centre while the Black king stood there - but we will come back to that.
14. ..... e6
That's now nine pawns moves out of 14. White is in a nice position of a choice of good moves - he can castle, he can play d5, or he can play the move I chose.
15. Nc4 Qc7
The question is how to break into the Black position. I gave a lot of thought to 16. d5 but this would be a mistake. After 16. .... cxd5 17. exd5 Ba6! 18. Ne3 Bxb2 19. Rb1 Bc3 20. Nxc3 bxc3 21. Qd1 e5 the position is equal, and Black has Nb8-d7-c5 to come.
A pawn sacrifice 16. e5! also occupied a lot of thought, and this is the best move, with 16. .. d5 17. Nd6+ Ke7 18. f4. Or 16. .. dxe5 17. dxe5 Bxe5 18. Nxe5 Qxe5 19. O-O-O and Black cannot castle because the h6 pawn is hanging.
In the end, I decided not to commit yet in the centre and bring another soldier into the battle.
16. f4 f6?
From my point of view, wonderful - more weak squares around the king. 16. .. d5 is best. White can now commit in the centre.
17. e5 fxe5?
17. .. d5 18. Nd6+ Kd8 and Black has a difficult defence, but White can now open up some areas.
18. dxe5 dxe5
That's 12 pawn moves out of 18. But no matter, Black does not make any more pawn moves.
19. fxg5 Qd8
20. Nd6+ Ke7
21. O-O-O!
It can be very difficult to win a won game, and causes a lot of pressure. Anyone who sees this blog can see plenty of examples of won games being drawn or lost. I did not want to let this one go. White threatens Nxc8+ Qxc8, Qd6+.
21. ......Ba6
22. gxh6 Bf6
23. Qe3
To consolidate. The engine recommends 23. .. Bxe2 24. Qxe2 Qxd6 25. Rxd6 Kxd6 but this is still overwhelming for White.
23. ....... Qg8
24. Nf5+ Kf7
25. Nf4
I have never had my knights in this sort of position before - both attacked by pawns.
25. ........Bc8
26. Nd6+ Ke7
27. Nxc8 Qxc8
28. Ng6+
28. Qc5+ is better but I wanted to grab some material while I had the chance.
28. .......Kf7
29. Nxh8+ Qxh8
30. Rd6
The exchange and a pawn down, the e-pawn is about to drop, the h-pawn can make trouble, so Black decided to resign. I was very pleased with this win over a 170-graded player.