County Under-180s match - Kent v Essex
Saturday 30 November 2019
White: J. Davenport (166) - Black: Keith Nevols (157)
Larsen Opening
1. Nf3
Well, here's a new one.
1. ...... e6
Caution. Hoping to meet 2. d4 with 2. .. f5 and into the Dutch. I did not enjoy my previous experience of playing 1. .. f5 straight away and White has either 2. d3 and 3. e4 or 2. e4 at once.
But 1. .. Nf6 is the recommended reply.
2. b3
This is the Nimzo-Larsen Attack. White intends to build up slowly to take over the centre.
2. .......d5
3. Bb2 Nf6
4. e3 c5
I was puzzled but felt OK. Just got to develop normally and see what happens.
5. Bb5+ Bd7
With pawns on e6 and d5, I would be quite happy to exchange the light squared bishops. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way.
6. Qe2 Nc6
6. ..Bxb5 would be more accurate. 7. Qxb5+ Qd7 8. Qxd7+ Nbxd7 (the engine prefers Nfxd7 so the queen's knight can still go to c6) and I don't think either side has anything to fear.
7. Bxc6 Bxc6
8. Ne5 Qc7
9. O-O Bd6
10. f4
White secures the e5 square. Recommended now is 10. ... Bxe5 11. Bxe5 Qe7 or 11. fxe5 Nd7. But I decided on a plan of attack. With my bishops looking towards the white king, and some empty spaces in that area, I wanted to see if I could take over the initiative.
10. ....... h5?
But this is a poor plan. As we see, the attack never gets going and White soon has a strong initiative over the other side.
10. ... Bxe5 11. Bxe5 Qe7 or 10. .. a6 threatening Bb5 were more sensible. Castling king side would allow 10. .. O-O 11. Nxc6 bxc6 12. Bxf6 gxf6 13. Qh5 and things look a little awkward.
11. a4 O-O-O
Some hesitancy already. Pushing on with 11. .... h4 is better but I was keen to get my pieces in that area of the board.
12. d3
12. Na3! with the intention of coming to b5 gives Black a headache. 12. .. a6 is simply met by 13. Nb5! and 12. .... Kb8 13. Nb5 Bxb5 13. axb5 and White has a clear advantage.
12. ........ Rdg8
13. Nd2
Again there was the option of 13. Na3 but White decides to firm up the e5 point.
13. ......Be8
To defend the f7 pawn and liberate the queen. Also to prepare f6 expelling the knight without allowing Ng6. But this is a long time-wasteful plan.
14. Ndf3 Nh7?!
15. d4!
Good timing. While Black's pieces are poorly placed. White begins to open up the position.
15. ........f6
16. dxc5 Bxc5
17. Nd3 Bd6
18. c4! dxc4
19. Rfc1!
Much better than 19. bxc4. Black is almost lost now.
19. ........... Qe7
20. Rxc4+ Kb8
21. Nd4 Bf7
To allow the rooks back to help the defence and dreaming of tactics based around e5. Note the poor placement of the knight on h7 and all of Black's pieces in a far away corner of the board.
22. Nb5 Rc8
23. Nxd6 Qxd6
24. Ba3
Neither of us saw 24. Ne5! - a fun move that wins on the spot (24. ..... fxe5?? 25. Bxe5). Rxc4 25. Nxf7 Qc7 26. Nxh8 Rc2 27. Qd3! Rxb2 28. Qxh7.
24. ......... Qd5
25. Nb4 Qa5
26. Rac1 Rxc4
27. Qxc4 Qb6
28. Rc3
Calmly defending the e3 pawn, although 28. a5! wins. If 28. .... Qxa5 29. Na6+ is mate in four (29. ... Qxa6 30. Qc7+ Ka8 31. Qc8+ Rxc8 32. Rxc8 mate) and if 28. ... Qxe3+ 29. Kh1 and Black can only stop mate by giving up the queen.
28. ........ Rd8
29. Nc2
29. a5! wins again but White can't be criticised for being cautious in a winning position.
29. ......... g5
A vain attempt to get the knight back into the game.
30. Nd4?
An inaccuracy by White!! 30. Be7 is best.
30. ........gxf4??
But I miss my chance. 30. .. e5! 31. Qxf7 exd4 and suddenly Black is back in the game.
31. Bc5
White now forces the win of material.
31. .......Qa6
32. Qxa6 bxa6
33. Nc6+ Kc7
34. Nxd8 Kxd8
35. Bxa7 fxe3
36. Bb6+ Ke8
37. h4!
Keeping the knight locked in.
37. ..... f5
38. Rc8+ Ke7
39. Rc7+ Kf8
40. Bxe3 Nf6
At last, the knight is back but too late.
41. Ra7 e5
42. b4 Bc4
43. Rb7 Nd5
44. Bc5+ Kg8
45. Bd6 e4
46. b5 axb5
47. axb5 e3
48. b6 e2
49. Kf2 Ne3
50. Re7
Time to call it a day. 50. .... e1(Q) 51. Kxe1 Nxg2+ 52. Kf2 Bg5 53. b7 Bxb7 54. Rxb7 Nxh4 would have given White a little more work to do but the result would not be in doubt.
With the exception of one inaccuracy, a well-played game by White and a poor game by Black.
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