Tunbridge Wells Chess Congress - Major - Round Three
Saturday 8 June 2019
White: Robert Fisher (121) - Black: Keith Nevols (157)
Dutch Defence
With half out of two for today, I faced this game with a mixture of confidence and nervousness.
1. d4 f5
2. g3 Nf6
3. Bg2 e6
4. Nd2
Unusual. Presumably to keep c4 options open. Black now could play 4. .. d5 to keep control over the e4 square and meeting 5. c4 with 5. .. c6, or 4. .. c5 to be followed by .. Nc6.
4. ….. d6?!
The problem with this move is demonstrated by White's next.
Unusual. Presumably to keep c4 options open. Black now could play 4. .. d5 to keep control over the e4 square and meeting 5. c4 with 5. .. c6, or 4. .. c5 to be followed by .. Nc6.
4. ….. d6?!
The problem with this move is demonstrated by White's next.
5. e4
Where possible, Black needs to meet a White e4 with pawn to e5 - so I prepare that move.
5. …. Nc6
Where possible, Black needs to meet a White e4 with pawn to e5 - so I prepare that move.
5. …. Nc6
6. c3 e5
7. Ne2
At the time, I thought this was dubious, but the engine states it as the best move.
7. …. Be7
At the time, I thought this was dubious, but the engine states it as the best move.
7. …. Be7
8. Qb3!
Preventing Black from castling. Black ought to now play .. Qd7 followed by Na5 and then castle. Instead, with White threatening exf5, I decide to reduce the tension in the centre.
8. …. fxe4
Preventing Black from castling. Black ought to now play .. Qd7 followed by Na5 and then castle. Instead, with White threatening exf5, I decide to reduce the tension in the centre.
8. …. fxe4
9. Nxe4
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9. … Nxe4??
Black overlooks a tactic and brings the White bishop to the centre. 9. .. Qd7 was more solid.
9. … Nxe4??
Black overlooks a tactic and brings the White bishop to the centre. 9. .. Qd7 was more solid.
10. Bxe4 Bf6?
This was the point of my sequence - to apply some pressure to the centre and give some space for my pieces.
But the queen on b3 had become a pain, and White could now have exploited that with 11. Bxh7!, grabbing a pawn, following with Bg6+ to dislodge the king, and wrecking the Black kingside.
This was the point of my sequence - to apply some pressure to the centre and give some space for my pieces.
But the queen on b3 had become a pain, and White could now have exploited that with 11. Bxh7!, grabbing a pawn, following with Bg6+ to dislodge the king, and wrecking the Black kingside.
11. Be3? Qe7?
Both of us were overlooking the Bxh7 tactic.
Both of us were overlooking the Bxh7 tactic.
12. d5
This is still good enough for a sizeable lead.
12. …. Nd8
I did not see at all the possibility of 12. .. Nd4 but White can get the advantage with 13. cxd4 exd4 14. Bxd4 Qxe4 15. f3.
(There is a fascinating exchange sacrifice here - instead of 15. f3, he could try 15. Bxf6!? Qxh1+ 16. Kd2 Qe4 (16. .. Qxa1?? 17. Qe3+ will mate) 17. Bxg7 Rg8 and then either 18. Nf4 Kf7 19. Re1 Qf5 20. Bc3 - White will have a knight and a pawn for a rook, and both kings are in the open - or 18. Re1 Rxg7 19. Nf4 Qxe1+ 20. Kxe1 and White has a queen and a pawn for the two rooks).
13. Qc2 g6
This is still good enough for a sizeable lead.
12. …. Nd8
I did not see at all the possibility of 12. .. Nd4 but White can get the advantage with 13. cxd4 exd4 14. Bxd4 Qxe4 15. f3.
(There is a fascinating exchange sacrifice here - instead of 15. f3, he could try 15. Bxf6!? Qxh1+ 16. Kd2 Qe4 (16. .. Qxa1?? 17. Qe3+ will mate) 17. Bxg7 Rg8 and then either 18. Nf4 Kf7 19. Re1 Qf5 20. Bc3 - White will have a knight and a pawn for a rook, and both kings are in the open - or 18. Re1 Rxg7 19. Nf4 Qxe1+ 20. Kxe1 and White has a queen and a pawn for the two rooks).
13. Qc2 g6
14. h4!
Now I was worried. I am a long way from castling queenside, and not brave enough to castle kingside. So, I deal with a threat at a time, move-by-move. First, there was the threat of h5 to deal with.
14. …. Qg7
Providing further defence to h8 and g6 and thinking of meeting 15. h5 with 15. .. g5.
Now I was worried. I am a long way from castling queenside, and not brave enough to castle kingside. So, I deal with a threat at a time, move-by-move. First, there was the threat of h5 to deal with.
14. …. Qg7
Providing further defence to h8 and g6 and thinking of meeting 15. h5 with 15. .. g5.
15. O-O-O Nf7
Taking a piece off the back row and planning to move to f5 to add to the defence.
Taking a piece off the back row and planning to move to f5 to add to the defence.
16. Rdg1 Nh6
Preventing a White g4.
Preventing a White g4.
17. f3 Nf5
Got there. If 17. .. Bxf5 then 18. g4 Bxe4 19. Qxe4 (threatening g5) Be7 20. Qa4+ and the king has to move.
Got there. If 17. .. Bxf5 then 18. g4 Bxe4 19. Qxe4 (threatening g5) Be7 20. Qa4+ and the king has to move.
18. Bd2 Bd7??
In a difficult position, White blunders a piece. But it is hard to give advice. 18. .. Ne7 19. g4 and White is on top. (19. .. Qf7 to give the bishop some space against 20. g5 but a White 20. h5 gives his problems and answering with 20. .. g5 looks very wobbly).
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While White was thinking, I had one of those heart stopping moments where you see a winning move for your opponent. I saw 19. g4. The knight has to retreat - 19. .. Ne7 - and White then traps the black bishop with 20. g5. If 19.. Nxh4 20. g5 Nf5 21. gxf6 Qxf6 then Black will have two pawns for the piece, but then 22. Bg5! and Black's king is still stuck in the centre.
19. Kb1?
Phew!! I got away with it for the second game running. Now to quickly make some space for those pieces.
19. ….. Ne7
In a difficult position, White blunders a piece. But it is hard to give advice. 18. .. Ne7 19. g4 and White is on top. (19. .. Qf7 to give the bishop some space against 20. g5 but a White 20. h5 gives his problems and answering with 20. .. g5 looks very wobbly).
While White was thinking, I had one of those heart stopping moments where you see a winning move for your opponent. I saw 19. g4. The knight has to retreat - 19. .. Ne7 - and White then traps the black bishop with 20. g5. If 19.. Nxh4 20. g5 Nf5 21. gxf6 Qxf6 then Black will have two pawns for the piece, but then 22. Bg5! and Black's king is still stuck in the centre.
19. Kb1?
Phew!! I got away with it for the second game running. Now to quickly make some space for those pieces.
19. ….. Ne7
20. g4 Qf7
21. f4
Not as good as 21. h5 or even 21. c4 planning to open another front.
21. …. O-O-O
With relief. Although I was not out of the woods yet, I had got the king further away from the danger zone and thought, if I could hold on the kingside and exchange a few pieces and pawns, that I could get a draw out of this.
Not as good as 21. h5 or even 21. c4 planning to open another front.
21. …. O-O-O
With relief. Although I was not out of the woods yet, I had got the king further away from the danger zone and thought, if I could hold on the kingside and exchange a few pieces and pawns, that I could get a draw out of this.
22. c4!
White finds the right plan now opening another front of attack.
22. …. exf4
White finds the right plan now opening another front of attack.
22. …. exf4
23. Nxf4 Kb8
Putting the king further away and freeing the c8 square in case I need to put a rook there.
Putting the king further away and freeing the c8 square in case I need to put a rook there.
24. Qb3 c6?!
An unnecessary gamble weakening the d-pawn. 24. .. b6 is more solid.
An unnecessary gamble weakening the d-pawn. 24. .. b6 is more solid.
25. Rf1 Qg7
Obviously not 25. … Bxg4?? 26. dxc6.
Obviously not 25. … Bxg4?? 26. dxc6.
26. dxc6
White is going to simplify the position, and when you have the better game, this is a mistake.
26. …. Nxc6
White is going to simplify the position, and when you have the better game, this is a mistake.
26. …. Nxc6
27. Bxc6?
White sacrifices his active bishop for a passive knight and in turn grants me an active bishop. The game has turned around.
27. …. Bxc6
White sacrifices his active bishop for a passive knight and in turn grants me an active bishop. The game has turned around.
27. …. Bxc6
28. Ne6
This was the point of White's sequence.
28. …..Qd7
But Black should have played the more accurate 28. .. Qe7!
This was the point of White's sequence.
28. …..Qd7
But Black should have played the more accurate 28. .. Qe7!
29. Nxd8 Bxh1
30. Rxh1?
Better was 30. Nxb7 Bxb7 31. Rxf6 Qxg4 and a draw seems likely.
But the point of my earlier note - had I played 28. .. Qe7 then I could now play Qe4+ and pick up the rook on h1.
30. …. Rxd8
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Better was 30. Nxb7 Bxb7 31. Rxf6 Qxg4 and a draw seems likely.
But the point of my earlier note - had I played 28. .. Qe7 then I could now play Qe4+ and pick up the rook on h1.
30. …. Rxd8
31. g5 Qf5+
32. Ka1 Be5
Now I am thinking of shaking hands and going home.
33. Ba5?
A mistake .. but I do not yet see it.
33. …. Rf8
While White was pondering his 34th move, I saw that I had missed Bxb2+ picking up the bishop on a5 and kicked myself again.
34. a3?
I am not going to miss it twice.
34. … Bxb2+
Now I am thinking of shaking hands and going home.
33. Ba5?
A mistake .. but I do not yet see it.
33. …. Rf8
While White was pondering his 34th move, I saw that I had missed Bxb2+ picking up the bishop on a5 and kicked myself again.
34. a3?
I am not going to miss it twice.
34. … Bxb2+
35. Qxb2 Qxa5
36. Rb1 Qc7
37. Qb4 Rf4
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My clock was down to less than five minutes so I could not write down the moves, due to spending so much time earlier on trying to stay alive.
A pawn up, I managed to activate my pieces, pick up the c-pawn, and push the d-pawn. With very little time remaining, I was not sure if I had time to win, but he resigned as I was working it out.
After the first day of the Congress, I had one and a half out of three. A bad loss and two get out of jails, so I could easily have been going home with three losses. I drove home and resolved to put in a better showing for the two games tomorrow.
My clock was down to less than five minutes so I could not write down the moves, due to spending so much time earlier on trying to stay alive.
A pawn up, I managed to activate my pieces, pick up the c-pawn, and push the d-pawn. With very little time remaining, I was not sure if I had time to win, but he resigned as I was working it out.
After the first day of the Congress, I had one and a half out of three. A bad loss and two get out of jails, so I could easily have been going home with three losses. I drove home and resolved to put in a better showing for the two games tomorrow.
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