Swale Club Chess Championship - Final Group - Round One
Thursday 9 May 2019
White: Keith Nevols (163) - Black: Vytautas Gedminas (114)
Ruy Lopez
Now onto the second stage of the Championship - a final group of eight - and to have a realistic chance of catching up, I had to win all seven games.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bb5 d6
The Ruy Lopez Old Steinitz Defence. Described as 'solid but cramped'. 4. d4 is the most aggressive here but I just decide to develop as normal.
The Ruy Lopez Old Steinitz Defence. Described as 'solid but cramped'. 4. d4 is the most aggressive here but I just decide to develop as normal.
4. O-O Bg4
5. d3
5. h3 is more accurate. 5. .. Bd7 is just a waste of a tempo whereas after 5. .. Bh5 the black bishop can no longer retreat to d7 so White could play 6. c3 planning d4, and meeting 6. .. a6 with 7. Bxc6+ bxc6 8. d4.
5. .... h6
5. h3 is more accurate. 5. .. Bd7 is just a waste of a tempo whereas after 5. .. Bh5 the black bishop can no longer retreat to d7 so White could play 6. c3 planning d4, and meeting 6. .. a6 with 7. Bxc6+ bxc6 8. d4.
5. .... h6
6. c3
A slower version of the above idea.
6. …… Qf6!?
Completely unexpected, Black opts to open an attack on the kingside.
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A slower version of the above idea.
6. …… Qf6!?
Completely unexpected, Black opts to open an attack on the kingside.
7. Nbd2
The engine recommends 7. Bxc6+ but I had plans for that bishop coming back to b3 or c2 and the Black knight was not really doing anything.
7. ….. Bd7
A surprise retreat. I thought he might wait for 8. h3 to cause a slight weakness.
The engine recommends 7. Bxc6+ but I had plans for that bishop coming back to b3 or c2 and the Black knight was not really doing anything.
7. ….. Bd7
A surprise retreat. I thought he might wait for 8. h3 to cause a slight weakness.
8. Re1
To make room for the queen's knight to enter the game.
8. ..... a6
To make room for the queen's knight to enter the game.
8. ..... a6
9. Ba4 Nge7
10. h3
To prevent the bishop coming back to g4. A Black move of Ng6 followed by Nf4 or Nh4 was beginning to concern me. White is struggling to get developed.
10. …... Ng6
10. … O-O-O 11. Nf1 Qg6 preparing f5 is an idea and with 12, Ng3 h5! is another idea.
11. Nf1 Be7
To prevent the bishop coming back to g4. A Black move of Ng6 followed by Nf4 or Nh4 was beginning to concern me. White is struggling to get developed.
10. …... Ng6
10. … O-O-O 11. Nf1 Qg6 preparing f5 is an idea and with 12, Ng3 h5! is another idea.
11. Nf1 Be7
12. Ng3
12. Ne3 is a better move, heading for d5, but I rejected it because I was concerned about a Black knight arriving on f4. However, 12. Ne3 Nf4 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14. exd5 Nb8 15. d4! is good for White.
12. ..... Nh4
I was happy to get rid of this knight and reduce the potential of any Black attack.
12. Ne3 is a better move, heading for d5, but I rejected it because I was concerned about a Black knight arriving on f4. However, 12. Ne3 Nf4 13. Nd5 Nxd5 14. exd5 Nb8 15. d4! is good for White.
12. ..... Nh4
I was happy to get rid of this knight and reduce the potential of any Black attack.
13. Nxh4 Qxh4
14. d4
And now we are back in the game.
14. ..... b5
And now we are back in the game.
14. ..... b5
15. Bc2
I did not play 15. Bb3 as I did not like 15. .. Na5 16. Bc2 Nc4 but, after 15. .. Na5, I did not see 16. dxe5! Nxb3 (16. … dxe5? 17. Bxf7+) 17. axb3 dxe5 18. Qd5 winning a pawn.
15. …. O-O
I did not play 15. Bb3 as I did not like 15. .. Na5 16. Bc2 Nc4 but, after 15. .. Na5, I did not see 16. dxe5! Nxb3 (16. … dxe5? 17. Bxf7+) 17. axb3 dxe5 18. Qd5 winning a pawn.
15. …. O-O
16. d5
The immediate 16. Nf5 is more accurate and keeping the tension in the centre.
16. …. Na5
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The immediate 16. Nf5 is more accurate and keeping the tension in the centre.
16. …. Na5
17. Nf5 Bxf5
18. exf5 Bg5??
Black blocks in his own queen and it will cost material to rescue her.
18. ..Qf6 is better or even 18. .. Rfb8 to gain counterplay on the queenside.
Black blocks in his own queen and it will cost material to rescue her.
18. ..Qf6 is better or even 18. .. Rfb8 to gain counterplay on the queenside.
19. Re4 Bf4
20. g3 Qxh3
21. gxf4
The other way is 21. Bxf4 exf4 22. Rxf4 threatening Rh4. Black could play 22. .. g5 23. fxg6 fxg6 24. Rh4 Qd7 and White will capture both the g- and h-pawns and be two pawns up. Or, if he sees it, Black has 22. … Nc4 23. Rh4 Ne3 although after 24. Qf3 Qg2+ 25. Qxg2 Nxg2 26. Kxg2 he is a clear piece ahead.
21. ..... Qxf5
The other way is 21. Bxf4 exf4 22. Rxf4 threatening Rh4. Black could play 22. .. g5 23. fxg6 fxg6 24. Rh4 Qd7 and White will capture both the g- and h-pawns and be two pawns up. Or, if he sees it, Black has 22. … Nc4 23. Rh4 Ne3 although after 24. Qf3 Qg2+ 25. Qxg2 Nxg2 26. Kxg2 he is a clear piece ahead.
21. ..... Qxf5
22. fxe5?
Missing 22. Ra4 winning more material, but my eyes were focussed on a direct attack on the kingside which I thought would win this game in a few more moves.
22. ……. Qd7
Missing 22. Ra4 winning more material, but my eyes were focussed on a direct attack on the kingside which I thought would win this game in a few more moves.
22. ……. Qd7
23. Rg4
Good enough, although the engine rates 23. Bxh6 gxh6 24. Qf3 as stronger.
23. ….. f5
Good enough, although the engine rates 23. Bxh6 gxh6 24. Qf3 as stronger.
23. ….. f5
24. e6 Qe7
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25. Rg6 Rf6
25. Rg6 Rf6
26. Rxf6 Qxf6
27. Qh5 Rf8
28. Be3
Bringing another piece into the attack.
28. …. Nc4
Bringing another piece into the attack.
28. …. Nc4
29. Bd4 Ne5
30. Re1
Should have been good enough but 30. a4! opening up another line of attack is a better move.
30. Qg5+!
Black has a clever idea where he might be able to get the queens off and live a little longer.
Should have been good enough but 30. a4! opening up another line of attack is a better move.
30. Qg5+!
Black has a clever idea where he might be able to get the queens off and live a little longer.
31. Qxg5 Nxf3+
32. Kg2??
No!!! 32. Kf1 hxg5 33. Rook moves somewhere would leave White with a piece for two pawns.
32. ….. Nxe1+
I had completely overlooked that this was check.
No!!! 32. Kf1 hxg5 33. Rook moves somewhere would leave White with a piece for two pawns.
32. ….. Nxe1+
I had completely overlooked that this was check.
33. Kf1 hxg5
34. Kxe1
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So where are we now? White has two bishops and six pawns against a rook and seven pawns. In terms of numbers it is equal. White's plus is the protected passed pawn on e6 and the fact that those bishops are quite well placed. The minus is now that he is deflated after kicking himself and contemplating that this could end with a draw. Black's plus is those kingside pawns to see if he can get them moving.
34. …. g6
So where are we now? White has two bishops and six pawns against a rook and seven pawns. In terms of numbers it is equal. White's plus is the protected passed pawn on e6 and the fact that those bishops are quite well placed. The minus is now that he is deflated after kicking himself and contemplating that this could end with a draw. Black's plus is those kingside pawns to see if he can get them moving.
34. …. g6
35. b4!
Tying down the queenside and preparing to make advances there.
35. …. Rc8
Tying down the queenside and preparing to make advances there.
35. …. Rc8
36. Bf6
A great square for the bishop where he can stop the kingside pawns advancing while the rest of the board sorts itself out.
36. ….. g4
A great square for the bishop where he can stop the kingside pawns advancing while the rest of the board sorts itself out.
36. ….. g4
37. a4 c6
38. dxc6 Rxc6
39. axb5 axb5
40. Bb3!
Threatening e7 winning straight away, and planning Bd5 which keeps an eye on both the a8 and a2 squares if Black should think about using the a-file for his rook.
40. Bd3 Rb6 is another way to keep some advantage.
40. … Kf8
Threatening e7 winning straight away, and planning Bd5 which keeps an eye on both the a8 and a2 squares if Black should think about using the a-file for his rook.
40. Bd3 Rb6 is another way to keep some advantage.
40. … Kf8
41. Bd5 Rc8
42. Kd2
Learning from previous mistakes, one must not forget the king in the ending. I had now regained my confidence and thinking of victory.
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42. …. f4
Learning from previous mistakes, one must not forget the king in the ending. I had now regained my confidence and thinking of victory.
42. …. f4
43. Kd3 Rc7
44. Ke4 g3
45. fxg3 fxg3
46. Kf3 Rh7
47. Kxg3 Rh5
And now it is all over.
And now it is all over.
48. e7+ Ke8
49. Bc6+ Kf7
50. e8(Q)+ Kxf6
Just the tidying up now required.
Just the tidying up now required.
51. Qf8+ Ke6
52. Qf4 Rf5
53. Qe4+ Kf6
54. Qd3 Ke7
55. Be4 Rg5+
56. Kf2 Ke6
57. Bxg6 Rd5
58. Bf7+
Black now resigned. A good win - although I could say this was two good wins as I nearly threw it away, but I was fortunate that my position was good enough to withstand such a blunder.
Black now resigned. A good win - although I could say this was two good wins as I nearly threw it away, but I was fortunate that my position was good enough to withstand such a blunder.
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