Swale Club Chess Championship - Round Five
Thursday 25 October 2018
White: Keith Nevols (163) - Black: Rob Woolacott (132)
Pirc Defence
1. e4 d6
2. d4 Nf6
3. Nc3 Nbd7
4. Nf3 g6
5. Bg5 Bg7
6. Qd2
My usual system against the Pirc defence, keeping open the options of castling either side and also attacking on the kingside.
6. ..... O-O
My usual system against the Pirc defence, keeping open the options of castling either side and also attacking on the kingside.
6. ..... O-O
7. Be2
7. e5 dxe5 8. dxe5 Ng4 9. e6!? is an interesting pawn sacrifice. 9. .. fxe6 10. O-O-O with Bc4 to follow and Black might find it difficult to develop. An ides to keep in reserve.
7. .... e5?!
7. ... c5 is more in the spirit of the opening. Now I could see a way to get an initiative.
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7. e5 dxe5 8. dxe5 Ng4 9. e6!? is an interesting pawn sacrifice. 9. .. fxe6 10. O-O-O with Bc4 to follow and Black might find it difficult to develop. An ides to keep in reserve.
7. .... e5?!
7. ... c5 is more in the spirit of the opening. Now I could see a way to get an initiative.
8. dxe5 Nxe5
If 8. .... dxe5 then I had a choice of 9. Rd1, 9. O-O-O or just 9. O-O.
9. Nxe5 dxe5
If 8. .... dxe5 then I had a choice of 9. Rd1, 9. O-O-O or just 9. O-O.
9. Nxe5 dxe5
10. Qxd8 Rxd8
11. Nd5
Black could consider here an interesting exchange sacrifice in 11. ... Rxd5!? 12. exd5 Nxd5
11. ...... Rd6
Black could consider here an interesting exchange sacrifice in 11. ... Rxd5!? 12. exd5 Nxd5
11. ...... Rd6
12. Nxc7 Rb8
So I am a pawn up, but the e4 pawn is weak, my knight is slightly offside and my king has not yet castled. I sought to retrieve the knight with tempo to defend the e4 pawn. But Black has a cunning plan ....
13. Nb5 Rc6
So I am a pawn up, but the e4 pawn is weak, my knight is slightly offside and my king has not yet castled. I sought to retrieve the knight with tempo to defend the e4 pawn. But Black has a cunning plan ....
13. Nb5 Rc6
14. Nc3
The computer recommends 14. O-O-O. Black cannot play 14. ... Nxe4 because of 15. Rd8+ Bf8 16. Bh6 (a point I had not noticed). Black has to play 14. ... Be6. If 15. Nc3 then 15. .. Rxc3 16. Bxf6 Rc6 17. Bxg7 Kxg7.
I never considered castling as I thought 14. Nc3 was good enough. It defends the e4 pawn and I can castle on the kingside the next move.
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14. ......... Rxc3!!
Wow! A shock that nearly blew me off the chair. A brilliant move. I gave a big thought as to how I could cobble together a defence.
15. Bxf6 Rxc2 did not look much fun but after 16. Bxg7 Kxg7 17. Rb1 Be6 18. Bc3 Rc5 19. a3 I am just about hanging on. There is a possible line 19. .. Rd8 20. Ke2 Bc4 21. Bxc4 Rxc4 22. Ke3 (not 22. f3?? Rc2+ and Rdd2) Rc2 23. Rhc1 and an exchange of rooks. Black would be better but perhaps not enough to win.
Instead I decided to trust in my defensive skills - not always a good idea.
15. bxc3 Nxe4
The computer recommends 14. O-O-O. Black cannot play 14. ... Nxe4 because of 15. Rd8+ Bf8 16. Bh6 (a point I had not noticed). Black has to play 14. ... Be6. If 15. Nc3 then 15. .. Rxc3 16. Bxf6 Rc6 17. Bxg7 Kxg7.
I never considered castling as I thought 14. Nc3 was good enough. It defends the e4 pawn and I can castle on the kingside the next move.
14. ......... Rxc3!!
Wow! A shock that nearly blew me off the chair. A brilliant move. I gave a big thought as to how I could cobble together a defence.
15. Bxf6 Rxc2 did not look much fun but after 16. Bxg7 Kxg7 17. Rb1 Be6 18. Bc3 Rc5 19. a3 I am just about hanging on. There is a possible line 19. .. Rd8 20. Ke2 Bc4 21. Bxc4 Rxc4 22. Ke3 (not 22. f3?? Rc2+ and Rdd2) Rc2 23. Rhc1 and an exchange of rooks. Black would be better but perhaps not enough to win.
Instead I decided to trust in my defensive skills - not always a good idea.
15. bxc3 Nxe4
16. Be3
If 16. Bd2 Nxd2 17. Kxd2 Bh6+ 18. Ke1 Bf5 and I am under heavy pressure. I decide to let a pawn go to activate the bishop and try to get the other rook out.
16. .... Nxc3
If 16. Bd2 Nxd2 17. Kxd2 Bh6+ 18. Ke1 Bf5 and I am under heavy pressure. I decide to let a pawn go to activate the bishop and try to get the other rook out.
16. .... Nxc3
17. Bc4
This was to stop a Black Be6 and defend the a2 pawn as well as hopefully get the king to e2 and release the king's rook.
17. .... b5
This was to stop a Black Be6 and defend the a2 pawn as well as hopefully get the king to e2 and release the king's rook.
17. .... b5
18. Bb3 a5
19. a3?
This was the position I had foreseen as move 15, but 19. Kd2 is a better defence. 19. .. e4 20. a4!? Nxa4 21. Bxa4 Bxa1 22. Rxa1 bxa4 23. Rxa4 and White should be able to round up the a5 pawn to get an equal position. Or if 19. ... Ne4+ 20. Ke1.
19. a4 is not possible as after 19. ... bxa4, White cannot play 20.Bxa4 due to 20. .. Nxa4 21. Rxa4 Rb1+.
19. ... a4
This was the position I had foreseen as move 15, but 19. Kd2 is a better defence. 19. .. e4 20. a4!? Nxa4 21. Bxa4 Bxa1 22. Rxa1 bxa4 23. Rxa4 and White should be able to round up the a5 pawn to get an equal position. Or if 19. ... Ne4+ 20. Ke1.
19. a4 is not possible as after 19. ... bxa4, White cannot play 20.Bxa4 due to 20. .. Nxa4 21. Rxa4 Rb1+.
19. ... a4
20. Ba2 e4
Now if 21. O-O then 21. .. Nxa2 22. Rxa2 Be6 wins the exchange, but I should not have been concerned about this, as it would have been worth it to get rid of one of those bishops.
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21. Bd2 Bg4
Now if 21. O-O then 21. .. Nxa2 22. Rxa2 Be6 wins the exchange, but I should not have been concerned about this, as it would have been worth it to get rid of one of those bishops.
21. Bd2 Bg4
22. h3 Nxa2
23. Rxa2 Be6
The difference now is that I cannot sacrifice the exchange, a whole rook looks to be taken.
24. c4 bxc4
The emergence of a passed pawn, as well as the win of a pawn, ensures the game is virtually over.
25. Rc2 c3
The difference now is that I cannot sacrifice the exchange, a whole rook looks to be taken.
24. c4 bxc4
The emergence of a passed pawn, as well as the win of a pawn, ensures the game is virtually over.
25. Rc2 c3
26. Bc1
Of course, 26. Bxc3 loses straight away to 26. ... Rb1+.
26. ..... Bc4!
A very good move stopping White from castling. 26. ... Rb1 is even better though threatening Bb3. There follows 27. O-O Bc4 28. Re1 Bd3 29. Ra2 Bh6 30. Bxh6 Rxe1+ 31. Kh2 Bb1 and White can resign.
27. f3
Have to get out somehow!
27. ........ Bd3
Of course, 26. Bxc3 loses straight away to 26. ... Rb1+.
26. ..... Bc4!
A very good move stopping White from castling. 26. ... Rb1 is even better though threatening Bb3. There follows 27. O-O Bc4 28. Re1 Bd3 29. Ra2 Bh6 30. Bxh6 Rxe1+ 31. Kh2 Bb1 and White can resign.
27. f3
Have to get out somehow!
27. ........ Bd3
28. Kd1
Seeing that 28. Ra2 Rb1 and Bh6 was good enough, I at last decide to return the exchange.
28. ..... Bxc2
Seeing that 28. Ra2 Rb1 and Bh6 was good enough, I at last decide to return the exchange.
28. ..... Bxc2
29. Kxc2 exf3
30. gxf3
Black is now two pawns up with several ways to win. My hope was that he would get confused by the wealth of winning moves, but no such luck. I thought if I could get that a4 pawn off the board I might have a chance.
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The rest of the moves do not need any comment. White's cause is hopeless.
30. ...... Re8
Black is now two pawns up with several ways to win. My hope was that he would get confused by the wealth of winning moves, but no such luck. I thought if I could get that a4 pawn off the board I might have a chance.
The rest of the moves do not need any comment. White's cause is hopeless.
30. ...... Re8
31. Kd3 Rb8
32. Re1 Rd8+
33. Kc2 Kf8
34. Re4 Rd4
35. Rxd4 Bxd4
36. Bf4 Ke7
37. Bc7 Bc5
38. Kxc3 Bxa3
39. Bg3 Bd6
40. Bf2 Ke6
The plan is clear. The a-pawn cannot be stopped by the bishop, and while the king goes over there, then the Black king will hoover up the kingside.
So it was time for White to resign. A very well played game by my opponent, and my third defeat in the last four.
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