Swale Club Chess Championship - Round Twelve
Thursday 25 April 2019
White: Keith Nevols (163) - Black: Nick Pollard (-)
Latvian Gambit
Not much to say about this game. My opponent has not played chess for very long and ran into a quick mate.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 f5
The Latvian Gambit, about which I know a little.
3. Nxe5 d6?
Black has to play 3. ... Qf6 to avoid losing material
4. Qh5+ Ke7??
4. .. g6 5. Nxg6 Nf6 6. Qh4 Rg8 and White is two pawns up. However, this is must a mate in one.
5. Qf7++